2013-10-20 13:38:46
135 miesięcy temu
Głaskałabym *________________*
seclusion: Głaskałabym *________________*
Gość: 39OgFVC6
128 miesięcy temu
Cheers Dave,Lol a video will be posted sholtry, Ie2€™m just eagerly awaiting the post man to deliver my Lithium Ion battery today so the Arduino doesne2€™t keep cutting out when ite2€™s not connected to a regulated power source.Well Ie2€™m planning to have a closed beta for IMPs around the 7th of April in the Sports hall at uni to get some user feedback so Ie2€™ll put you on my list.
Gość: Cheers Dave,Lol a video will be posted sholtry, Ie2€™m just eagerly awaiting the post man to deliver my Lithium Ion battery today so the Arduino doesne2€™t keep cutting out when ite2€™s not connected to a regulated power source.Well Ie2€™m planning to have a closed beta for IMPs around the 7th of April in the Sports hall at uni to get some user feedback so Ie2€™ll put you on my list.
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