2011-08-21 15:05:39
Aparat: NIKON - EXIF↓
Model: COOLPIX L110
Przysłona: f/8.6
Ogniskowa: 12.2mm
Naświetlanie: 1/306s
ISO: 80
Cóż , w naturze są niekwestionowane prawa , ktoś jest śniadaniem , a ktoś jest konsumentem , nie ma co się użalać , dziś ty zjesz kurczaka , to taki sam układ xDD
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160 miesięcy temu
o pajączek;/ blee;/ co do pajączka , ale fota fajna ;D
taka-jedna-lala: o pajączek;/ blee;/ co do pajączka , ale fota fajna ;D
160 miesięcy temu
o pajączek;/ blee;/ co do pajączka , ale fota fajna ;D
spoko spoko ... wiem , że to takie z leksza obrzydliwe ;p
justyna-wojcik: taka-jedna-lala: o pajączek;/ blee;/ co do pajączka , ale fota fajna ;D spoko spoko ... wiem , że to takie z leksza obrzydliwe ;p
160 miesięcy temu
No i dodałaś ;D No i pięknie ;D
yesterday: No i dodałaś ;D No i pięknie ;D
160 miesięcy temu
kurde, świetne .!! :) +
natalianatiwieckowska: kurde, świetne .!! :) +
Gość: tfO0vn2vrEc
128 miesięcy temu
nice article aumssotions/numbers can be debated though still agree with the basic premise of your work being the bribe and would be willing to work for you any day at a less than market salary let me know if you have any openings!
Gość: nice article aumssotions/numbers can be debated though still agree with the basic premise of your work being the bribe and would be willing to work for you any day at a less than market salary let me know if you have any openings!
Gość: n7sL5GorM
128 miesięcy temu
Absolutely in agreement.Having myslef started career working for startup where I had opportunity to do everything right from finding the office premise to negotiating & finalizing servers to getting the office running (including doing electrical work myslef) to finally also talking to our first customers and doing account management for them. The experience was simply fantabulous. Today when I work for an MNC, dishing out strategy ppts faster than an assembly line machine and participating in debates which go no where but take whole day I cant help but compare the WORK I used to do then. The reason I write Work in caps is that I could see my work reaching a conclusion rather than just being filed into documentation system as version x.x only to be sourced and referenced while working on next ppt. I cannot help recall that for 4 months when we were actually setting up then I worked 18 hours a day 7 days a week and yet not feel tired or exhausted which I feel in current job surprisingly which I also like fairly (for the company I work and for the portions of task I handle not necessarily the job). But even post this realization I feel scared to be able to jump back to join a start up.I remember reading a line somewhere and which I later experienced while being there recently In silicon valley US, there are so many start ups everywhere, all typically starting out as a garage enterprise and its a honor & matter of pride to say I work for a garage start up. Sadly, back home here, it is only the big name that counts. Not the work you do but the hysteria of & around the company you work in. I know so many of my engg friends and classmates who joined companies like Infy, TCS, etc right from college to only end up as software testers (that too doing just dummy testing by following pre-written test cases).Thanks for sharing this article.. could relate with it so well .Keyur
Gość: Absolutely in agreement.Having myslef started career working for startup where I had opportunity to do everything right from finding the office premise to negotiating & finalizing servers to getting the office running (including doing electrical work myslef) to finally also talking to our first customers and doing account management for them. The experience was simply fantabulous. Today when I work for an MNC, dishing out strategy ppts faster than an assembly line machine and participating in debates which go no where but take whole day I cant help but compare the WORK I used to do then. The reason I write Work in caps is that I could see my work reaching a conclusion rather than just being filed into documentation system as version x.x only to be sourced and referenced while working on next ppt. I cannot help recall that for 4 months when we were actually setting up then I worked 18 hours a day 7 days a week and yet not feel tired or exhausted which I feel in current job surprisingly which I also like fairly (for the company I work and for the portions of task I handle not necessarily the job). But even post this realization I feel scared to be able to jump back to join a start up.I remember reading a line somewhere and which I later experienced while being there recently In silicon valley US, there are so many start ups everywhere, all typically starting out as a garage enterprise and its a honor & matter of pride to say I work for a garage start up. Sadly, back home here, it is only the big name that counts. Not the work you do but the hysteria of & around the company you work in. I know so many of my engg friends and classmates who joined companies like Infy, TCS, etc right from college to only end up as software testers (that too doing just dummy testing by following pre-written test cases).Thanks for sharing this article.. could relate with it so well .Keyur
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Świetne . ale trochę straszne ; ))
photography: Świetne . ale trochę straszne ; ))