2013-08-11 13:24:09
Gość: q0AeOq1pu
128 miesięcy temu
on June 3, 2012 Super late comment, but I did want to ctrsimemaoe with you on how we're supposed to grow out of fantasy stories. It's always strange to me when I read books like The Night Circus (which is wonderful) and it's considered as grown up fantasy, but it's really no different than a hundred other fantasy books the only difference in being how it was marketed, and what shelf it rests upon at the bookstore. If the cover had been designed as two sorcerers battling each other, I wonder how it would have sold?Anywise great post. As usual.
Gość: on June 3, 2012 Super late comment, but I did want to ctrsimemaoe with you on how we're supposed to grow out of fantasy stories. It's always strange to me when I read books like The Night Circus (which is wonderful) and it's considered as grown up fantasy, but it's really no different than a hundred other fantasy books the only difference in being how it was marketed, and what shelf it rests upon at the bookstore. If the cover had been designed as two sorcerers battling each other, I wonder how it would have sold?Anywise great post. As usual.
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