2013-07-14 13:51:33
Gość: FVyJunGW8C
128 miesięcy temu
of the Brown or Black switches: The Filco Majestouch-2 reievw used Brown switches, and the Razer BlackWidow used Blue switches.As mentioned earlier, Black switches are well-suited for gaming as they have press down smoothly,
Gość: of the Brown or Black switches: The Filco Majestouch-2 reievw used Brown switches, and the Razer BlackWidow used Blue switches.As mentioned earlier, Black switches are well-suited for gaming as they have press down smoothly,
Gość: Fe06vaGKhqH
128 miesięcy temu
I'd had a look at this, there are a few projects out there using this at the monmet, but I found that iOSC was quite limited. Writing it from scratch allowed me to make a much more responsive car, so there's next to no lag between the car and the iPhone! Thanks for the heads up though I appreciate it!
Gość: I'd had a look at this, there are a few projects out there using this at the monmet, but I found that iOSC was quite limited. Writing it from scratch allowed me to make a much more responsive car, so there's next to no lag between the car and the iPhone! Thanks for the heads up though I appreciate it!
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rewelacyjne :)
blackwidow: rewelacyjne :)