2013-06-26 12:25:17
137 miesięcy temu
fajne niebo macie, u mnie cały czas leje :(
blackwidow: fajne niebo macie, u mnie cały czas leje :(
137 miesięcy temu
fajne niebo macie, u mnie cały czas leje :(
zdjęcie robiłam dwa dni temu, wczoraj i dziś cały czas deszcz :(
justyna-wojcik: blackwidow: fajne niebo macie, u mnie cały czas leje :( zdjęcie robiłam dwa dni temu, wczoraj i dziś cały czas deszcz :(
137 miesięcy temu
To zdjęcie jest po prostu zajebiste ♥!
wiola: To zdjęcie jest po prostu zajebiste ♥!
Gość: rBoIDm4QHJz
127 miesięcy temu
Jane March 11, 2009 at 10:15 pm Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea. That must be hard on him. Well, if you end up seeing Spencer, let him know that I have a list of good sites he will like. Can you post about hankcig a Photobucket account? I need to find out if my boyfriend had been taking dirty pictures with his colleague . Thanks, 40 year old man on the internet named David.
Gość: Jane March 11, 2009 at 10:15 pm Oh, I'm sorry. I had no idea. That must be hard on him. Well, if you end up seeing Spencer, let him know that I have a list of good sites he will like. Can you post about hankcig a Photobucket account? I need to find out if my boyfriend had been taking dirty pictures with his colleague . Thanks, 40 year old man on the internet named David.
Gość: 2j9nXnLNLKlE
127 miesięcy temu
I was wondering if you had your dream reitple/amphibian/inverts collection, what would you have? You had all the space, money, time and equipment, what would you have? Say 20 different species? Mine would probably be something like: (in no order)1. Russian tortoises2. Red-eyed crocodile skinks3. Leopard geckos4. Corn snake morphs (motley)5. Pancake tortoise6. Florida Snapping Turtle7. Veiled chameleon8. Bearded dragon9. Green Anole10. Blue tongued skink11. Burmese python12. Apricot Pueblan Milk Snake13. Amazon milk frog14. Axolotl15. Praying mantis16. Israeli Gold Scorpion17. Chilean rose tarantula18. Mexican Blood Leg Tarantula19. Indian star tortoise20. Mississippi Map TurtleThe reason I do this is cause I eventually wanna aim to get all these animals as my ultimate collection! But would like to know any other interesting suggestions that could become part of my ultimate collection! Thanks.
Gość: I was wondering if you had your dream reitple/amphibian/inverts collection, what would you have? You had all the space, money, time and equipment, what would you have? Say 20 different species? Mine would probably be something like: (in no order)1. Russian tortoises2. Red-eyed crocodile skinks3. Leopard geckos4. Corn snake morphs (motley)5. Pancake tortoise6. Florida Snapping Turtle7. Veiled chameleon8. Bearded dragon9. Green Anole10. Blue tongued skink11. Burmese python12. Apricot Pueblan Milk Snake13. Amazon milk frog14. Axolotl15. Praying mantis16. Israeli Gold Scorpion17. Chilean rose tarantula18. Mexican Blood Leg Tarantula19. Indian star tortoise20. Mississippi Map TurtleThe reason I do this is cause I eventually wanna aim to get all these animals as my ultimate collection! But would like to know any other interesting suggestions that could become part of my ultimate collection! Thanks.
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