2013-06-03 16:39:27
refleksyjnie - Promocja absolwentów Szkoły Aspirantów PSP w Poznaniu
138 miesięcy temu
chodziłaś do tej szkoły?
Jestem w liceum, a to są studia jak każdy inny kierunek studiów :P
justyna-wojcik: infallible: chodziłaś do tej szkoły? Jestem w liceum, a to są studia jak każdy inny kierunek studiów :P
138 miesięcy temu
byłem szczerze przekonany, że jesteś trochę starsza ;D
infallible: byłem szczerze przekonany, że jesteś trochę starsza ;D
138 miesięcy temu
byłem szczerze przekonany, że jesteś trochę starsza ;D
teraz zastanawiam się czy to dobrze czy nie XD ;D
justyna-wojcik: infallible: byłem szczerze przekonany, że jesteś trochę starsza ;D teraz zastanawiam się czy to dobrze czy nie XD ;D
Gość: 6r6U94EnVAy
127 miesięcy temu
Caleb, if you mean that Saint Nicholas was an actual psoren, then, yes, he existed. But the fictional Santa Claus is made up that's why he's fictional. There is quite a bit of uncontradicted, eye-witness testimony for the existence of Jesus Christ. Even if you reject the New Testament, there's still plenty of references to Jesus Christ in other sources, unless you want to reject all of them as well.Faith is not a irrational blind leap, but a reasonable response to the facts that are presented. To believe that Jesus Christ existed as a man doesn't require faith it requires an ability to sift historical evidence. That Jesus Christ was actually God incarnate a claim that might be more difficult to assess since we don't meet that many people who claim to be God requires faith because we haven't ever actually met God. But Jesus seems to present evidence that He is, in fact, God and He encourages us to believe just that. As the Bible says, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Gość: Caleb, if you mean that Saint Nicholas was an actual psoren, then, yes, he existed. But the fictional Santa Claus is made up that's why he's fictional. There is quite a bit of uncontradicted, eye-witness testimony for the existence of Jesus Christ. Even if you reject the New Testament, there's still plenty of references to Jesus Christ in other sources, unless you want to reject all of them as well.Faith is not a irrational blind leap, but a reasonable response to the facts that are presented. To believe that Jesus Christ existed as a man doesn't require faith it requires an ability to sift historical evidence. That Jesus Christ was actually God incarnate a claim that might be more difficult to assess since we don't meet that many people who claim to be God requires faith because we haven't ever actually met God. But Jesus seems to present evidence that He is, in fact, God and He encourages us to believe just that. As the Bible says, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
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fajne ^.^
one-dream: fajne ^.^