2013-04-07 12:48:42
140 miesięcy temu
gdzie to? O.o
Oh, Malbork... już myślałam, że zapomniałam napisać, a to się okazuje, że Ty nie zaskoczyłeś spostrzegawczością ;)
justyna-wojcik: infallible: gdzie to? O.o Oh, Malbork... już myślałam, że zapomniałam napisać, a to się okazuje, że Ty nie zaskoczyłeś spostrzegawczością ;)
140 miesięcy temu
A no. Fakt.Nie zauważyłem podpisu. :D
infallible: A no. Fakt.Nie zauważyłem podpisu. :D
140 miesięcy temu
śliczne. : * chciałabym bym tam się znaleźć. : c
weronikaa: śliczne. : * chciałabym bym tam się znaleźć. : c
Gość: 8jmoPgT4I
127 miesięcy temu
You seem to be saying that Kierkagaard's leap of faith is the satadnrd definition of what faith is, but what of the entire 11th Chapter of Hebrews and the biblical assertion that faith is based on evidence? This isn't the Christian understanding, whatever anyone else may or may not believe.Besides, if there is no objective truth, or ultimate authority, it doesn't really matter anyway it's irrelevant believe what you like and hope you're not wrong. Isn't that what you're saying?
Gość: You seem to be saying that Kierkagaard's leap of faith is the satadnrd definition of what faith is, but what of the entire 11th Chapter of Hebrews and the biblical assertion that faith is based on evidence? This isn't the Christian understanding, whatever anyone else may or may not believe.Besides, if there is no objective truth, or ultimate authority, it doesn't really matter anyway it's irrelevant believe what you like and hope you're not wrong. Isn't that what you're saying?
Gość: 4igOk4ZwrqF
127 miesięcy temu
I was not actually trynig to argue for Santa, just trynig to prove the point that you can reverse the previous subjective statement about the existence of Jesus over Santa to a subjective statement about the existence of Santa over Jesus without changing the objective validity of the statement. There is no objective truth in a purely subjective claim.But to say faith is not an irrational blind leap is to change the definition of faith. A reasonable response to the facts that are presented is called a logical conclusion, or possibly an educated guess. Not faith. To assume that an object is present without actually seeing the object but still seeing its shadow is a logical conclusion. To assume that the same object is there without seeing it or its shadow is faith. To say that faith requires some evidence takes away from what faith is. Faith is an irrational blind leap, but that does not mean its wrong.
Gość: I was not actually trynig to argue for Santa, just trynig to prove the point that you can reverse the previous subjective statement about the existence of Jesus over Santa to a subjective statement about the existence of Santa over Jesus without changing the objective validity of the statement. There is no objective truth in a purely subjective claim.But to say faith is not an irrational blind leap is to change the definition of faith. A reasonable response to the facts that are presented is called a logical conclusion, or possibly an educated guess. Not faith. To assume that an object is present without actually seeing the object but still seeing its shadow is a logical conclusion. To assume that the same object is there without seeing it or its shadow is faith. To say that faith requires some evidence takes away from what faith is. Faith is an irrational blind leap, but that does not mean its wrong.
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byłam tam :D!
neverforget: byłam tam :D!